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公开标签 #IntelliJIDEA
1,配置 Preferences 打开IDEA的 “Preferences” -> “BiquadFilterNode, Execution, Deploymer” -> “Compiler” 勾选 “Build proect automatically” 打开 “Preferences” -> “Advanced Setting”,勾选 “Compiler” 下的 “All auto-make to start even if developed application is currently ru
IntelliJ IDEA 启动 springboot 项目时出现提示“Lombok requires enabled annotation processing: Do you want to enable annotation processors?” 解决方案: Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deploymer -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors -> Enable annotation processing(勾选) “Ap
IntelliJ IDEA 启动 springboot 项目时出现提示“Lombok requires enabled annotation processing: Do you want to enable annotation processors?” 解决方案: Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deploymer -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors -> Enable annotation processing(勾选) "OK
IntelliJ IDEA 启动 springboot 项目时出现提示“Lombok requires enabled annotation processing: Do you want to enable annotation processors?” 解决方案: Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deploymer -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors -> Enable annotation processing(勾选)