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I owe you an apology…. 例句: ``` Dear CEO, I owe you an apology for what happened at the Christmas Party. 亲爱的首席执行官,对于圣诞晚会上发生的事情,我向您道歉。 ``` I take full responsibility for my actions.(适合正式的工作场合) 例句: ``` I take full responsibility for my actions—I should never have let my hair down in such an unprofessional way. 我对自己的行为承担全部责任——我不应该以如此不专业的方式让自己放松。 ``` It was wrong on my part… 例句: ``` I hadn’t actually planned to attend. I just stopped by on the way home from the pub. This was wrong on my part. 我本来没打算参加,刚刚从酒吧回家的路上顺便过来了,不好意思。 ``` I was in the wrong… 例句: ``` When I caught you in a headlock, I was in the wrong. 当我用头锁住你的时候,是我做错了。 ``` I’m so/very/terribly/awfully sorry. (强调非常抱歉) 例句: ``` I’m so/very/terribly/awfully sorry for telling the receptionist that she looked like a marshmallow—her pink frilly dress was actually very cute. 我对告诉接待员她看起来像棉花糖感到非常抱歉——她的粉红色褶边连衣裙实际上非常可爱。 ``` It was thoughtless/careless of me. 例句: ``` It was completely thoughtless of me to shout out ‘hey lady, this isn’t the Oscars, get a move on’ when I thought your speech had gone on a little long. 当我认为你的演讲有点长时,我大喊“嘿女士,这不是奥斯卡,快走吧”,这是完全欠考虑的。 ``` I sincerely apologise… (适合正式的书面写作) 例句: ``` I sincerely apologise for acting so despicably with your husband. 我真诚地为我对你丈夫的卑劣行为道歉。 ``` I hope you can forgive me… (请求原谅) 例句: ``` I hope you can forgive me for pulling your husband onto the dancefloor, using his tie. 我希望你能原谅我用你丈夫的领带把他拉到舞池里。 ``` I didn’t mean to… (表示自己本没有恶意) 例句: ``` I didn’t mean to get sour cream dip all over his trousers. 我不是故意要把酸奶油沾满他的裤子的。 ``` It won’t happen again. (用于道歉的结尾) 例句: ``` I really promise it won’t happen again. So…can I have my job back? 我真的保证不会再发生了。那么......我能继续工作吗? ```