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英语 next to 怎么用

大家最熟悉的next to,是指「在旁边、紧临着」,例如: ``` Can I sit next to you?(我可以坐在你旁边吗?) ``` 经常处在一件事物旁,久了就变熟悉,因此next to可以比喻对特定领域的熟悉或精通,而非实际的位置关系。通常用于口语交流场合。 ``` Sarah is next to cooking. Her dishes are always delicious.(Sarah很擅长烹饪。她做的菜总是非常美味。) ``` 有时也会用next on,意思一样: ``` Sure, he’s next on the game.(当然,他对这个游戏很在行。) ```` You're next in line to speak at the meeting. (X)你是下一个在Line上发言的人。 (O)轮到你发言了。 next in line意思是「接下来的」、「轮到的」,line指「排队的队伍」。next in line常用在工作升迁、预约预订、排队等。常用的片语,多看几个例子。 ``` After John retires, I'll be next in line for the manager position.(John退休后,我就会担任下一任经理。) The bus just left, but the next in line should arrive in about 15 minutes.(刚刚有班公车开走了,但下一班应该会在15分钟后到达。) ``` The next thing I know… (X)我知道的下一件事⋯⋯ (O)(没想到)接下来,之后⋯⋯ The next thing I know…指「然后、接着⋯⋯」,属于易懂难用,大家不太会搞错意思,但不见得会朗朗上口。这是用来描述一个意外或令人惊讶的事情,有「没想到、居然就⋯⋯」这般的口吻。例句: ``` I was just walking down the street, and the next thing I know, a bird flew right into my face!(我只是在街上走着,没想到下一刻,一只鸟突然撞到了我的脸!) I was sitting in class, and the next thing I know, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building.(我当时坐在教室里,接着下一刻,火警铃响起,我们不得不撤离大楼。) ``` 也有the next thing you know的用法: ``` I was just browsing online, and the next thing you know, I'd spent hours shopping.(我只是在网上随便看看,接下来你知道的事情就是,我花了好几个小时购物。) ```