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a, an, the 英文冠词用法大全

在IELTS雅思的听说读写四个项目中,写作是所有考生平均分数最低的项目。想要考到理想的写作成绩,考生的写作除了要切题通顺,句子里也不能有过多的语错误。在雅思写作的语法错误里,冠词(a, an, the)错误是最常见的语法错误。我们在这篇学习文章里,将带大家一次搞懂冠词英文,让你的英文写作更上一层楼。 **新资讯 vs. 旧资讯** 当我们第一次提到某个人事物时,我们用不定冠词a或an。当我们再次提到相同的人事物时,我们用定冠词the。 ``` A: Excuse me. I have a question(新资讯). Where do I sign up for dance classes? B: I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question(旧资讯)? ``` **不特定 vs.特定** 当我们指某个「特定」的人事物时,我们用the。当我们指某个「不特定」的东西时,我们则用a或an。 ``` 1. Can you lend me a pen? (说话者要借笔。任何笔都可以,所以用不定冠词a。) 2. I'm really sorry. I lost the pen you lent me. (说话者弄丢的是他借来的那支笔,所以用定冠词the。) ``` **冠词与名词** 不定冠词a与an用在「单数可数名词」之前。定冠词the可用在单数名词或复数名词。 ``` 1. Do you have a brother or a sister? 2. That was an easy question. 3. I enjoyed the book you lent me. 4. The moons of Saturn are beautiful. ``` 不可数名词前面不能加a或an。不过可以加the。 ``` 1. Could I have rice instead of mashed potatoes with my steak? (说话者想要吃牛排配饭,不特定什么饭,任何饭都可以。所以rice前不需冠词。) 2. The rice from Chishang is the best in Taiwan. (池上米是台湾最棒的米。) ``` **全体份子** 当我们要指某类东西的全体份子时,我们可以用a, an, the,或者复数名词与不可数名词。 ``` 1. A dog makes a good pet. (狗适合当宠物。说话者指所有的狗。) 2. An elephant is the biggest animal on land. (大象是陆地上最大型的动物。) 3. There are important organs in the human body. (人体里有很多重要器官。) 4. Owls are nocturnal animals. (猫头鹰是夜行性动物。) 5. Green tea is good for our health. (绿茶对身体有益。) ``` 注意:冠词不能与any, some, my, this等限定词一起使用 ``` 1. Daniel loves his job. ✘: loves the his job 2. Do you want this cake? ✘: want the this cake ``` **The的其他用法** 熟悉冠词的基本用法后,以下是the的其它用法: The用于宇宙中独一无二的东西,例如:the sun, the moon, the stars。 ``` 1. The earth moves around the sun. 2. They lay on the grass and watched the stars. ``` 「the + 形容词」指拥有该形容词特性的全体。 ``` 1. The rich should pay more tax and the poor shouldn't pay any. 2. The young need to be encouraged and supported in society. ``` 「the + 乐器」 ``` 1. Tina can play the guitar very well. 2. Sasha is learning to play the piano. ``` The用比较级与最高级。 ``` 1. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can go home. 2. Taipei is the largest city in Taiwan. ``` The 用于「序数」 ``` 1. Susan's apartment is the first building on the right. 2. The next outing will take place on the fifth of November. ``` **雅思写作常见冠词错误** 泛指某类东西的全体份子时,复数名词前不能加the。 ``` We have to protect wild animals. ✘: the wild animals ``` 泛指抽象事物或不可数名词时,名词前不能加the。 ``` I love Japanese food. ✘: the Japanese food ``` 当读者不知道我们指哪个东西时,名词前不能加the。 ``` A new study found that places can change people's personality. ✘: The new study ``` 不可数名词前不能用a或an ``` Scientists have found evidence that Mars may once have had an ocean. ✘: found an evidence ``` **结论** 冠词与名词关系非常紧密。英文写作的每个句子都需要名词,所以冠词也经常出现在句子中。这篇学习文章复习英文冠词的用法,以及讨论雅思写作常犯的冠词错误。