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On the ball是什么意思?

**1. She has a lot on the ball.** (X)她很会打球。 (O)她能力很强。(很干练、很灵光、能完成任务) On the ball是形容人「很机灵」,工作很出色,总是能完成任务。就像在球场上,厉害的球员不管在哪个角落,一有机会就可以把球抢到手,也就是on the ball。 看例句应用: ``` I'm so glad that my assistant is always on the ball because I'm too scatterbrained to manage my schedule on my own. 能有这么机灵的助手我真是很开心,因为我处理自己的行程太迷糊了。 ``` **2. We had a ball at the party last night.** (X)我们在昨晚的派对上找到一个球。 (O)我们昨晚的派对很愉快。 Ball除了指球之外,它还有「舞会、盛大活动」的意思,从而衍生出「玩得很尽兴」。 ``` You should really come to the fair with us. It'll be a ball! 你真应该跟我们一起来参加这个集市,会很有趣的! ``` 再来看一段对话: ``` A:"So how was the party last night?" 昨晚的舞会怎么样? B:"Oh, it was great - we had a ball!"啊,很棒,我们玩得很尽兴! ``` **3. It is a whole new ball game.** (X)这是一个全新的球赛。 (O)这又另当别论了。 A whole new ball game.意思是「一个全新的,不同以往的局面」。在职场上说到 "a whole new ball game",不只是强调全新,也代表一定程度上的「困难」及「未知」,既有期待,也有担忧。 ``` Now that you’re here, it’s a whole new ball game. 既然你来了,那么局势就全然改观了。 ``` ``` We'd done a lot of climbing in Scotland but the Himalayas were a whole new ballgame. 我们之前在苏格兰登过不少山,但攀登喜马拉雅山则完全是另一回事。 ```