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I was today years old 是什么意思

1. I was today years old. (X)我是今天的岁数。 (O)一直到今天我才知道/我生平第一次… “I was today years old.”是这几年来社群网路的流行语,意思是,搞了这么久,今天第一次尝试,好像今天才出生一样。 特别是一件事情,大家都知道,大家都吃过,但你却今天才体验到,就可以用这句,是一种幽默的口吻。 “I was today years old”后面常常会跟着when I learned/when I found out….…。 I was today years old when I went to the night market.我生平第一次去逛夜市。 2. Like there is /was no tomorrow. (X)就像没有明天。 (O)过分地,疯狂地,不顾一切地,毫无节制地 “Like there’s no tomorrow.”字面上是「好像没有明天」,如果没有明天,所有长远的打算都不必在意了,引申为「不顾一切,疯狂的」。 例如: They were eating like there’s no tomorrow.他们狼吞虎咽地吃,好像没有了下一顿了一般。 After he won the lottery, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.他赢了彩票后,开始拼命花钱。 3. I wasn’t born yesterday. (X)我不是昨天出生。 (O)别当我是三岁小孩。 老外说I was not born yesterday的时候,不是在讨论年纪。这句话有点呛,我不是昨天才生的,有点像中文里的,别当我是三岁小孩。也就是,你说的我不信。 You don't fool me - I wasn't born yesterday.不要愚弄我—我可不是三岁小孩。 4. I need it yesterday. (X)我昨天需要。 (O)我马上就要。 Need it yesterday听起来不太合理,昨天都过去了,怎么要? 这句话大多用在回应别人问“When do you need this?”时,回答“I need it yesterday!”,意思早该给了,我现在就要。是强势的口吻。 看一下对话,体验一下口气: Mary:Where's the contract?合约在哪儿? Sue:Do you need it now?你现在要吗? Mary:I need it yesterday! Where is it?早就该给了,在哪儿。